Throughout the last couple of years, all industries have faced hardships from lockdowns and closures, density limits, health mandates and shortages of employees and applicants for job vacancies. Now the biggest challenge of all Ghosting.
Imagine this… you're excited to expand your team, you've put up the Job Ad, and you are finally beginning the initial screening processes, making interview times with applicants, and then… they've magically disappeared and failed to show up to interview. And you're back at step one, once again looking for more applicants.
Unfortunately, Ghosting is an increasing social phenomenon in the workplace. It can occur on either side of the interview table, where suddenly and unexpectedly, an end to all contact with the person occurs. So, what does this mean for your company when you are looking to hire?
Throughout our client's recent experiences and industry connections, we have found a significant increase in candidates ghosting throughout all parts of the hiring process.
Up to 50% of candidates aren't turning up for interviews… without cancelling or notifying the employer; this is primarily in entry-level or labouring jobs; however, it is still happening in more senior-level roles.

How to Minimise Candidates' Ghosting During the Recruitment Process?
There is no straightforward answer to stop Ghosting from occurring; however, there are several ways to help minimise the likelihood of people flaking out and disappearing.
1. Gage the Applicant's True Interest
Before organising a face-to-face interview with the applicant, conduct a telephone interview and see how interested and serious the applicant is about your company's specific role.
Applied to every advertised position, they are more likely to ghost you as they have the mindset of "I just need any job".
With a genuine interest in the company and the role, they are more likely to attend and move forward in the recruitment process to an offer stage.
2. Clear and Good Communication
Ensuring that candidate knows the exact time, place, and date of the interview. Confirm interview time and date together with a phone number/email to allow contact if the applicant cannot attend the interview. It should be sent via calendar invite or an email requesting acknowledgement or confirmation.
3. Ensure you Sell your Company and the Job Position
Often companies believe they are the only ones interviewing the candidate; however, the candidate is also interviewing the company and measuring if the culture fits their values. Therefore, you must discuss what makes your company stand out in the industry and why someone might want to work for you. This step needs to be performed in both telephone and a face-to-face interviews. Selling the company and job position to the candidate assists applicants in becoming more invested and engaged in the role.
4. Create a Smooth and Easy Hiring Process
As many active candidates have multiple job opportunities, you must continuously update applicants on the process, ensuring they are more likely to stick around throughout the entire recruitment process. It is also vital to eliminate any unnecessary barriers which may slow down the hiring process, including multiple interview rounds, having a 2-week close date, or even delaying sending through a letter of offer and contract. All these processes could hinder the likelihood of having a successful hiring outcome.
Why use Blackman Recruitment?
Recruitment is what we do! In this challenging and highly competitive job market, the recruitment process must be smooth yet fast-paced, as many candidates are applying for multiple roles and have various job offers and opportunities on the table.
Blackman Recruitment focuses on providing your company with timely processes to assist in recruiting capable and enthusiastic people into your team that enhance your workplace culture.
To find out more about our recruitment services, head to Hiring Services or get in touch today!